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Editor's Note: The letter below is a translation, which is open to interpretation.
The Chairman's Personal Stationary
February 14, 1940
His hands were as long and sensitive as a woman's.... Whatever else he might be he was an aesthete. I was in fact repelled by the feminine in him. An instinctive hostility sprang up inside me, and I became so occupied with trying to master it, that I heard hardly a word of what followed...

You sweet, sweet, beast. Remember the time we spent on the beach. Your felt-like face and hands, your stringy, flowing hair, like a crackhead, like a puppet. You've been my teacher, mother, father, brother, sister, cousin, and secret lover. The way you call me Chairman, the way you call me Yellowmeat, You make me sweat. I couldn't stand it when you would rub monkey feces in my hair, but I also couldn't resist. Oh, how the smell of monkey feces makes me think of you and your irreverent ways.
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The Communist is not responsible for any sudden acts of communism.
The Communist and all its contents are property of BobCo Solutions, Inc.
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BobCo Solutions, Inc. © 2000
Contact: Webmaster
-Sex: Male
approx 2'10"
-Weight: 2 lbs.
-Origin: Unknown

Might is right. Power to the puppet.

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